Sunday, February 17, 2013

Close but not quite yet (Week 33)

Week 33, I can't believe I've been in Swaziland for 7 ½ months already! I feel like I still have so much to do and so little time to do it! But things are moving along...even it is slower than I would like. We are to be in the home by the end of February but I am trying not to get my hopes up. They have painting, re tiling of a small room and some of the bathroom to finish for the home to be ready. We started this week looking at a van to buy for the home and continue to look for the best price for furniture. It finally feels like this is going to happen.
As for other things this week, we had three new volunteers come to do internships, two from Finland and one from Belgium. They are all in the social welfare department. We had a meeting on Tuesday with the four of us and MYC's Social Welfare Department and basically they got pushed off to me to help them find something to do or they could help with the girl's home. But as I wrote above right now we are just buying furniture and I don't have much else for them to do. So, I went and told them that I don't have much for them to do and I feel bad having them not do anything. Plus, it's not my job. I'm a volunteer and I am working on the girl's home. They should be giving them something to do and showing them the project. If they were just volunteering it would be one thing but it's an internship for school. They need some direction and guidance. It is just another way for our social welfare department not to do anything and give their job to someone else so they don't have to be bothered with it. But that is a whole other story. So, much of this week was showing the new volunteers around and helping them figure out what they can do. It was nice to have some more people in the social welfare department for once.
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about home and what I am going to do with my life after June 3, when I leave Swaziland. I am trying to stay focused on what is going on here but it continues to be a constant thought. I want to work with woman/young girls who have a rough background, etc.. similar to what I am doing here. God has really given me a passion to help girls like that. I'm excited to come home in 3 ½ months, but my job isn't done here and I am really going to miss the people here! I have 3 ½ months to continue this work here and let God use me however he will and I plan to let him do that!!!  

(picture to come of the home, my internet is being to slow to upload it at the moment! One thing I can't wait for when I get home....having internet that works and is fast!!!! ;))

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