Saturday, November 17, 2012

Love Week 20

It's funny how God works sometimes. I'd shared in a past blog when I had been sick and God just revealing my selfishness and lack of love for people through that. Well I think God is definitely changing my heart. He has been filling me with his love this week. He's being revealing his love to me as something I can freely accept. I am reading through the psalms and the ones this week have been all about how God is faithful to his people and how his love is great. And then I read a dear friend of mine's blog, Mary-Kate, about being broken and how the children here in Swazi and in America all want the same thing. They want to feel wanted, worth something, and loved (I think that is most people's desire whether we want to admit it or not). Sunday night we had a camp fire with the younger boys at the Enjabulweni home. I really enjoyed the evening and you could tell the boys did too! They just want to be loved and know that someone cares about them. And having something as simple as a campfire and spending time with them is all it takes. It astounds me sometimes how easy it is for people to just write off these boys as trouble makers or pests or having no future, which then makes them think they have the right to treat them like they are worthless. But these boys are so full of love and joy! They remind me almost every time I spend time with them how much love and joy for life I lack! It was just an encouraging week and crazy just how God has filled me with his love for these boys! Yes, they can be a handful but that's what makes me love them more! They are creative and use the resources they have around them to make games or art. For example, one of the other volunteers told me that they made a golf club out of sticks and were using a ball of some sorts to play golf. They use bricks as their soccer goals and were playing soccer with a half flat basketball. And they don't complain about it! This is their life and they are living it the best way they know how! They are such an encouragement to me and makes me want to be more like them!

The workers finishing up the storage cage.
On Wednesday, we had a girl's home meeting to discuss the roles of MYC verses Hosea's Heart. It went really well and when Mary-Kate, co-founder of Hosea's Heart, arrives on the 17th, Saturday, we will have another meeting to finalize the roles and have a legal document drawn up just in case anything were to happen. It seems like Hosea's Heart will have a good amount of say on what goes on and the home can be generally run how the volunteer present wants to, which for the time being is me! :) They want the home to be run by volunteers with Swazi houseparents. Hosea's Heart will provide the year long volunteer each year. Below are some pictures of the continual work on the home. We are said to be opening the home towards the end of January when the schools are back in session!!!! (That is when I will move into the home as well.)
The Study/Dining Room floor being retiled!

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