As I’ve been preparing for my trip to Swaziland , Africa . God has been guiding my path in each step I’ve taken. For those who don’t know. I am going to work with a girl’s home for girls who are at risk for entering prostitution. I leave the end of June and am there for an entire year. God has been so faithful over the past couple months as I have learned of this opportunity and decided to go. It just astounds me at how God works, how each event led up to me saying yes to this adventure. With the awesomeness of this experience comes with giving things up, such as leaving my home and everything I know. I have been realizing lately how much I will be missing out on when I am in Swaziland . Holidays, birthdays, weddings, births, everyday life with the people I love and care for. It has been a struggle accepting everything I’ll be leaving behind for a year. I’ve been freaking out a bit lately with all this coming into realization. I continually have to be asking God for peace or having someone tell me it’s going to be okay. I know this is all apart of God’s plan; it can just be over whelming at times. I pray that God continues to work in my life in the next five months to prepare me and give me the tools I need to help these girls. He has given me great people in my life that have been such an encouragement through this process! I appreciate everyone so much who has supported me in this next step in life. I plan to hopefully update my blog every few weeks while I’m here in the United States and when I get over there to update it every week or every other week depending on what my schedule looks like. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support!!!!