Hey All, sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks! I think the thought of writing out my last week in Swaziland and my return home would make me start to process my year there and really realize what I left there. My last week was not the way I thought it would have gone. It went fast, it was busy and I felt like I was trying to fit everything in and there just wasn't enough time to get everything done! Luckily I had a lovely person taking over that eased my leaving a bit. But saying goodbye to the girls was not fun at all and as everything else this past year didn't go as planned. I had planned to be at the home right after the girls got home from school...which I did. One of my girls unfortunately was sick and needed to go to the doctors. So instead of being able to spend 2-3 hours with them before I left I really only got to spend 30 mins to an hour with them. Then, I had to leave, take her to the doctor with Titi, who took my place in the transition between when I left and the next year long volunteer came. After dropping them off at the doctors, I went and said good bye to the boy's homes and heading to the volunteer house to get ready for my last weekend in Swaziland. I spent my last weekend at a music festival called bushfire, with the other volunteers and some Swazi friends. I really enjoyed the weekend and enjoyed spending it with my friends I had made over the year I had been there! It was a good way to end my time in Swaziland. Saying goodbye to everyone there was hard! I hate goodbyes!

So June 3, I got up and took the shuttle at 7 am to the airport. Got to the airport at about 12 pm. Sat around the airport for 6 hours before my flight took off. Took a 10 hour flight to Turkey, had a 2 hour layover, then a 11 hour flight to New York. I landed on Tuesday morning at about 11:20, got through customs much faster than I thought I would and was out by 1145. Waited about an hour for my family and Dustin to get there. It was so great to see them! I don't know how to describe the feeling but it was great being able to see them in person after not seeing them for a year! Then, took a 2 1/2 hour ride home and had a lovely dinner with my family and Dustin's family.
It was a weird feeling being home. It felt completely normal but not at the same time. It's been two weeks since I left Swaziland. I feel like I've been nonstop since then. Seeing and visiting with people and going and doing things, etc. I feel like I haven't had a chance to sit and think about what happens now that I'm home. I am sure I've had times where I could have done that but I've been avoiding it. I felt so purposeful in Swaziland and I'm feeling really purposeless here. I know God has a plan for me now, here in the United States, but I don't know what it is, it's been silent. I think I've been filling my days with other things and haven't taken the time to listen. I'm scared of what he might want me to do. Then, I think of the past year and think what can be more scary then that? haha It feels a bit ridiculous to be afraid after spending the year in Swaziland, Africa. So I just ask for prayers for me to continue to trust God here just like in Swaziland. I know his plan is perfect!
He's taught me so much in my year and I know I'm a changed person because of it! I pray that I stay changed. I'm more confident in who I am in him and more open to his love and sharing his love. I pray he can continue to use me as he used me in Swaziland. I pray that he will continue to be with those girl's and they will continue to feel his love. There is a team from Hosea's Heart Inc. leaving next week (around the 26) to spend a month in Swaziland and the next year long volunteer will be heading over then as well. I pray for safety in their travels and that God would use them to touch the lives of those in Swaziland! I pray that they will show God's love to each person they encounter! I pray that God will guide them in each step they take because God's plan is perfect!